Victor Alberigi, Vocational Expert Plaintiff Witness in NJ

Has your Long-Term Disability Claim Been Denied?

Has your Long-Term Disability Insurance Carrier denied your claim?

An experienced vocational expert can help you get what's rightfully yours.

Victor G. Alberigi is a

  • Certified Rehabilitation Counselor;

  • Certified Disability Management Specialist;

  • Member of the American Board of Vocational Experts; and

  • Member of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals,

who has assisted claimants and their attorneys pursue their claim.

He'll help you and your lawyer show the court how the claim was wrongfully denied.

Having worked for insurance companies in the past on such claims, Mr. Alberigi has an understanding of the pertinent issues and complexities involved in such insurance claims.

Mr. Alberigi will help you win your money. Call him today or write him an email for a free consultation.